Monday, December 14

The Swing

The neglected part of my garden is the swing where a lot of precious memories are stored.  It is neglected because it had rusted from the rain and the wind. But, it is where I got to know and loved a dear friend.  Though we had parted ways for unknown reasons, I kept him in my heart.

We are two different individuals and our ways are opposites.  While I am a homebody, he is the one who wanted to be away all the time.  Any holidays are meant for traveling.  He was the one who brought me to Khao Yai where we met other foreigners for a jungle trek. It was that time when one of my runners opened up and I was literally limping dragging that opened sole until I found a store and bought a new pair of sneakers. And then to Samut Songkram where we rode a boat silently gliding into the waters to see the spectacular fireflies nestled among trees and where it was my first time to experience home stay with a local family.

I had the chance to visit him in his university where one day, he prepared a bountiful feast for a picnic near the river.  That was probably one of the sweetest thing a friend had done to me.  There was also the once a month movie watching as he is a film buff.  After the movie, I see myself sitting at the pavement opposite the theatre watching people passed by.  Whiling away time, the conversations were of depth and humorous, ending only because it was already past two in the morning.

Our initial meet was when a common friend organized a dinner as he just arrived from Canada.  I was seated beside him and during the course of conversation found out that he was also stationed in Thailand.  Lo and behold, our trip back to Bangkok was on the same day so we met at the airport and chatted inside the plane for more than three hours non-stop.  I bet the people behind and beside us were annoyed with our chuckles, laughter, and noise.  It was one happy ride, knowing I am the over dramatic passenger where throwing up in the lavatory or a sickness bag is a normality.

When we initially parted ways for some reasons, we didn't see each other until one coincidence.  I was walking along a mall in Makati in one of my visits to the Philippines when all of a sudden, a familiar face was walking towards my direction.  We stopped, looked at each other, laughed and hugged for some minutes.  It was tight, dismissing the fact that we were in an overcrowded mall. We were probably being looked with envy or derision. 

Then in another fateful day, we met for my birthday and unknowingly, will be our last meet.  It was a very heartwarming and honest conversation.  To quote him, " I decided to let go of people that are of no use to me anymore this coming year, closing my doors to them and cutting off ties as it is time consuming." To which I reply with, "I guess you already made a choice."

After that ominous night of revelation, it was time to walk away and never look back.


  1. ouch..grabe naman yan Sir Jo.. parang naggeneral cleaning lang at nag-dispose ng mga di nya kailangan....well,.. i guess you don't deserve a friend like that who doesn't know how to value a friendship ^_^
    Have a great day Sir Jo and God bless

  2. I was flabbersgasted at first and then I thought that parting ways could be the best because the friendship was never valued. I was guessing that all those good deeds at first have hidden agendas. Anyway, I do value friendship even if they were broken, mine or others fault. Just like the bloggers I learned to value and love, some things and people can never be there forever. #hugotlines

  3. What a deep and warm post, spoken right from your heart. You had your good moments and it is wise to let go & cut ties when you have to move your way instead of clinging on to denial. You have such a strong mind too.

    The world is just a stage and we are actors meeting up to trade each other's karma. Everything we see is just a temporary illusion. Smart of you to close the door and open up a new bright world.

  4. Well said coming from a well traveled and intelligent man, I, thank you. Your words will also inspire me to look for those who deserve my friendship as well as those who reach out for mine. Like a stage, our meetings might be brief for one show but after the performance, it can become long lasting. All the best!

  5. A very brave post.

    Heartbreaking, yet we get to learn to live with it.

    But that swing just needs a little repair for new memories to start. Most likely, with a new person. People come and go as they say, their memories either stays or over-written but never fogotten. Might as well decide to overwrite this one :) :)

  6. ....but after the performance, it can become long lasting...
    It makes sense to me. Good luck Jonathan.

  7. This was such a lovely but also heartbreaking read - it is amazing how some objects hold such deep memories - the memories that were formed with that object there at that time as well as the memories associated with the object due to the tie to the person it is linked to. It is totally okay for people to grow apart over time, but his cold statement does seem to be a bit confronting.

    Rae | Love from Berlin

  8. I like the idea of overwriting something and this I have done for many years now. However, the swing in the garden reminds me of my friend all the time because it is a permanent fixture of my house. Maybe the rust and the fading of the colours are metaphors of the memories it brings. In due time, the friendship is treasured but the friend is forgotten.

  9. Hi Twilight,

    I am speaking about the new actors in my present life, the people I meet each day, and the new people I am meeting here in my blog. I do hope that the fire of writing still lingers among us so we can continue to pay visits and grow in friendship.

  10. Hello Rae,

    Welcome to my abode of rants and reflections. Yes, I am a person that gives meaning to everything I see because I treasure each of its existence. It could be a rock in the garden, or a dragonfly with a broken wing. Each have a story and I become their storyteller. My friend is long gone and the good things are always remembered even with those harsh words at the end.
