Sunday, July 6

If My Friend is a Flower (July 07, 2008)

We have known each other since high school when we became classmates in the second year. Along the way we had been teasing each other as oldies including another friend of ours.

We graduated from high school, attended university and later on became neighbours and so we connected once again. We started watching repertory shows, having dinner together and reminiscing old times. We bonded with our other high school friends and all ten of us became a group, friendship intact.

Walking through the gardens of Sonya’s, we found this extra-ordinary flower and she chose this one to be her persona. Knowing her she actually exudes goodness and a great spirit. Like a zinnia, each and every petal of this flower represents a certain persona that has to be discovered to be appreciated. Even the colours say something about her personality. It is in looking inside that we see the true colors. It is in looking inside and knowing her that we get to appreciate the best in her.

Today is her birthday so this blog entry is a dedication to one of the most intelligent and humble person rarely appreciated.

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