Wednesday, August 22


I always have an umbrella in my backpack. I use it to block the scorching sun or to protect me from the pelting drops of rain. So rain or shine, it serves its purpose. 

When I was at the beach a week ago, I stayed under the umbrellas as I wanted to enjoy the breeze and the sounds of the sea rather than to bask myself under the sun's rays. I was in a safe place. I was in my comfort zone.

In reality, umbrellas are there to protect us but this implement against weather is of no use when it comes to words exchanged or heard that can simply shatter us. 

When harsh words are spoken and I hear them from others, I feel defenseless. When someone picks on my little mistakes, I am hurt. When I hear comments related to racial colour or status in life, I have no other resort but to be quiet. I get defenseless.

I wanted to have an umbrella that will shelter me from harm. I wanted an umbrella that will shield me from vile words. I need an umbrella that will simply comfort me when unpredictable situations arise. My umbrella could be a friend, my confidence, my wisdom, my personality or my faith. 

Let those who wag their tongues of unsound rambling falls and let the rewarding sunshine of greatness greet me everyday, without the need for an umbrella. (my prayer)


  1. Whenever I have my umbrella with me, it doesn't rain, and when I don't have it, it rains! Lol.

    On a more serious side, I think the best umbrella we can have is our own self. :) It can be tough, you know--to find the confidence and will to protect our own self, but it's best and most secured way. But yes, friends and family are great umbrellas, too. And God of course. :)

  2. Very well said, Ishna and I agree. Prayers are my umbrellas to ward myself from things around me, especially the bad ones and no one is immune to these negativities. God bless!

  3. I like what ishna said about how ironic it is that when we bring our umbrella it doesn't rain, otherwise it does, angrily puring even.

    But I guess that's how we become strong, God let's rain get us wet sometimes. It is in our weakness that we are made strong. It is in our distress that He is called and glorified.

    On a lighter note, I missed those days when I get to shower under the rain. A derma dr said it's still ok to do that. Free acid peeling. :P

  4. It is also like knowing what to do if a situation arises and when it does, we become dumbfounded.

    Yes, I agree with you that we become strong and I am, and I also grow as a person. However, constant battering of uncomfortable words make me weak inside, if not beaten.

    Maybe if I run in the rain tomorrow, it will peel off my feelings as well :)

  5. We have a very nice cafe in the town named "Payung" which is Malay, meaning umbrella. They use nice colourful umbrellas from Myamar for their decor:

  6. See, umbrellas have many different purposes and this time, for decorations :)
