Tuesday, March 25

Stripes (March 25, 2008)

There are many instances in life that we struggle to make our lives better. It is indeed a good chance for us to show how we can uplift our present standing. Some go for education, reaping up degrees to give them better positions and work. Some go foe challenges, battling the daily doses of insecurities with committment and perseverance. Some go for dubious acts to make themselves look better to others.

But having stripes doesn't make you a tiger. Having numerous degrees doesn't guarantee an intellectual genius. Having perseverance doesn't guarantee success all the time. Working immorally doesn't make one a role model as well.

A degree can give you a future so we have to pursue for one. Perseverance can lead and open opportunities while commitment to endeavours can make us successful. It takes some stripes to be what we want to be but it takes inner strength and belief, to be real.

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