Thursday, December 25

Christmas is the Time (December 25, 2008)

Now that Christmas is here again, it is time for everyone not only to be cheery but also to spread love and blessings to others.

Some people makes this time as the busiest: shopping, meeting people, partying, going on vacations and others. For some, this time is just one of those days: devoid of frivolities and merry-making. Others might be experiencing the worst of their life at this time because of death, sickness or pressing problems. While for others, this time is the time to reflect a year of living: blessings, trials and thanksgiving.

Christmas for me is a time to be with my family and closest friends. A time to see my family I see only three times in a year. Close friends I get together with once or twice in a year. It is also a time to see former colleagues and people who had given their time and effort in making my existence a positive one.

I never get big gifts or good surprises every Christmas of my life but the Lord always provide me with what I need. All I am thankful for is His provisions to my everyday existence.


  1. wow, very nice article.. i missed my family so much, i only got to see them once a year.. and im going to see them tomorrow.

  2. Hi JP,

    It's always good to be home. Have fun with your family. Happy New Year!
