Saturday, January 31

You Are My Sunshine (January 31, 2009)

One song I always teach the children in my class is the song, " You Are My Sunshine" and one day, after singing, I asked the children who the sunshine of their lives is. Most of them answer their friends. Another set answered their family members. And then I became silent and asked myself who my sunshine is.

How do I put someone to be my sunshine? Should I go for familial affinity such as my mum and my dad? Should I include siblings or close relatives? Should I make mention of friends or acquaintances? Should I just zero in with the people I love, in the past or the present?

This is one question I feel difficult to answer. I shouldn't be asking my students this when I myself cannot give a simple answer. As the song also says, "You make me happy when skies are grey." And right now, the sky hovering my head is heavy and gloomy yet I don't see anyone casting it out.

As I was watering the garden plants this late afternoon, my feelings were like the falling leaves and the yellowing colours around. I felt so empty. I am alone.

The song ends with, "Please don't take my sunshine away." but in my case right now, I am asking for someone to take the dark skies away so that I can see the sunshine.


  1. the "sunshine" is always there; maybe, just maybe, the reason why you feel so alone, so dark is because you are clouded by your own negative emotions.. you can't always be lonely even if you're alone. try to feel the serenity of being with yourself.

  2. Nice post Jonathan. It makes you think indeed. Your sunshine doesn't have to be a person, although I'm certain that individual will come in your life soon. It could be all the memories and experiences you've had that always put a smile on your face.

    The sun shines on all of us. Just take a few more steps out to the open...

  3. @JP- Yes, I am clouded by negative emotions such as being alone, having no friends, being away from my family during my birthday and the Chinese New Year. It came to pass without funfare though there were greetings from all over. I guess there comes a time that I cannot be always positive. It's me, being human. Thank you for the encouragement. This is just a phase. I will be fine.

    @Roy- Yes, my sunshine doesn't have to be a person. I believe it is how I perceive things around me. If I put negative thoughts, I'll reap negative feelings. Thank you for reminding me to see, not the shadows, but the light.

  4. Not all the time there are dark clouds lurking in the sky... remember that your own strength gives you the sunshine and it does not have to be a person other than yourself. I knew because you once told me this. :)
