Monday, February 2

Visits (February 02, 2009)

Two important bloggers commented on my present woes about my lack of sunshine. Both have strong words to say. Both were correct. Both were encouraging and motivating.

"You can't always be lonely even if you're alone. Try to feel the serenity of being with yourself." commented JP. I always boast of my garden and it is where I find my serenity everyday as I admire the blossoms, trim the branches and water the plants. I always mention that the garden is my spiritual place, my consolation for a long day's work. I always say that being in the garden does not make me feel alone but I am at peace with myself and the world around me. JP's words gave me an awakening that in my own little place in Bangkok, I can find peace right in my home.

"It could be all the memories and experiences you've had that always put a smile on your face. The sun shines on all of us. Just take a few more steps out to the open..." commented Roy. This is true as I always pride myself of the joys I bring to my students and their parents' lives. Yes, the sun shines on all of us and it was my negative outlook within these two weeks that clouded my perception of life. I was waiting at the shade and looking at the shadows when I can be enjoying the light.

Then, I was blessed by the visits I got from former students. One was from the US based in Singapore and though the child was not in my class, she mentioned that she remembers me from visiting my class in the afternoon. Another was a student three years ago from The Netherlands. He gave me a hug and mum told me that he always ask about me and that he remembers his wonderful stay in our school when he was four. The last one was from Finland and it was so touching when he said that he misses me.

People like JP and Roy are indeed important. They came visiting my blog and gave me the strength I needed. Students like Mei Mei, Thomas and Luukas are indeed my life's treasures. They came visiting the school and gave me a firmer stand in life, that I am important. So when one comes visiting, it is God's way of telling us that we are not alone.


  1. Hey there Jonathan,

    I'm glad you're feeling better. The blues somehow always manage to get to even the strongest of us. And yes, I've been through times too when everything just seems negative.

    Your blogs reveal a lot about you. By saying that, I believe you're a person with a big and unselfish heart.

    That will always carry you through.

  2. gee, thanks! i don't know what to say.. im glad you appreciate it.. many thanks!

  3. You must be a nice and loved teacher that's why your students cant forget you.

  4. @Roy and JP- your visits are welcome and your words are just the right doses of inspirations.

    @Kris- Just like what I shared in one of me entries, if one gives love, one receives love. Thanks for the visit.
