Wednesday, February 11

Mystery (February 10, 2009)

I had been waiting for this thing to open up because I am intrigued as to what it is. First the blooms came and then they faded, small packets sprung up and started to grow big. I am amazed on its transformation. There are many of them right now.

When I meet people I always give the benefit of the doubt. I am all ears and happy to meet them. Intentions are there that I cannot hide where mine is the intention to make more and more friends. However, I have been meeting the wrong people. After some time, the intentions are surfacing through constant asking of favours and then financial help.

One day I took a cab and the traffic was quite bad. The driver started conversing because of the bad traffic. I was trying to be polite and later genial so we get to speak about work, family and interests. Upon learning that I'm working in an international community, he immediately assumed that I earn a lot. Then he asked if he can borrow money from me.

Cab driver: Could I borrow a thousand baht from you?
Me: Hah! Why would I lend you money when I don't even know who you are?
Cab Driver: Then I'll give you my mobile number and we can be friends.
Me: Sim cards are readily available at 7-Eleven stores. You can buy one after this conversation and I have no assurance that you will be paying me back.
Cab Driver: How about five hundred?
Me: No! I am sorry. Oh, here's my home. Stop here please.
Cab Driver: Is this your house? Are you with your family?
Me: Yes, my parents, brothers and sisters are there even my grandparents.
Cab Driver: So I won't be able to borrow money from you?
Me: Sorry, find someone like a friend.

I got off the cab, waited for the driver to leave, and walked home as the house where I was dropped was not mine. This driver is like the transformation I saw in my garden. The flowers so bright and pretty, was his persona in the beginning. With time, the changes are happening right before my eyes. There was a hidden agenda, an intention I cannot unravel though I know if I lend him some money, it will never be returned.


  1. wow... i don't know how would i react if i were on your position. i'm the type that find it so hard to say no.... :)

    but you did the right thing there :)

    thanks you for the compliments, jonathan :) i really appreciate it.

    God bless you

  2. i hope you visit my site @ thanks!

  3. I learned from that same experience already. It is not advisable to talk and tell your whole life or present status. But you are wise that you were able to trick him.

  4. That was strange!

    Twat people really judge others externally, or from what they hear.

  5. @lucas - I guess it was easy to say no because I do not know the person. I also find it difficult to say no to people close to me.

    @ .pOot- thanks for visiting. I will, don't you worry.

    @artery- yes, I learned some lessons here. Also, the presence of mind saved me that night.

    @ kris- this is just one of my strange encounters, I still have more. But this time, I opt to be quiet even if the traffic is super-duper bad.

  6. Hey there Jonathan,

    First thing, nice new lay-out!

    About your experience, well, I'm really not surprised, the driver really wanted to "take you for another ride", good thing you relied on your instincts.

    It's sad, but these days, it's so hard to trust people. That's why people build a wall around them for protection, connecting with someone has become more difficult.


  7. Hi Roy,

    Sawatdee krub! Thanks re lay-out. It is difficult to trust people but I still want to give myself and others a chance. I just need to be alert reading signs.

  8. "There are lots of bad people lurking around so be vigilant."
