Friday, March 13

Fireflies and Memories ( March 13, 2009)

A province in Thailand called Samut Songkhram is famous for its natural attraction of fireflies at night. Some years ago, my friend called me and asked me if I wanted to see fireflies in action and so I agreed. I haven't seen fireflies since I live in the city so I was excited to board the bus to visit the upcountry. Upon arrival, we opted for a homestay program where we stayed in this huge ancestral home passed through generations. It was a welcomed change.

After dinner, we were picked by a boatman and he instructed us to be quiet along the way. It was like going on a school trip and the teacher reminding us to be quiet and to behave well.
Boarding a small boat with four people on board, we traversed the waters of the river with only the whirring sound of the motor. After some time, the motor was shut off and we were gliding along the waterways and excitedly watching above us flicker of lights At first, it was just one then two blinking lights then a couple or more. It was disappointing as I had imagined being surrounded by the thousands of lights emanating from these lovely insects.
The motor was turned on again and we went farther where the river seemed wider and deeper. Each side of the river way were planted with trees, big and small. When the motor was turned off, lights were seen coming from the dark- branches and leaves of the trees, above and before us. And as we sailed towards a longer distance, more and more lights beckoned on us showering us with multitudes of small twinkling lights. The lights were in a conversation mode, as one flicker turned off, another one turned on. It was like they were talking. It was like they were giving out signals to each other and to us. It was a wonderful sight. It was magical.

Nature has so many surprises and I had been lucky to see one of nature's wonders. I am saddened that this natural attraction is no longer as exciting as before. The fireflies are moving away, and the time will come that they will be gone.


  1. I love fireflies! and i love meaning behind them when used as metaphor. they are really wonders...

    God is really clever, isn't he? :)

  2. Hi Lucas,

    I got inspired to write about the fireflies when I read one of your entries. I added memories because it was the memory behind the fireflies that I can actually recall vividly.

    Once, I saw a lone firefly in my garden and the first thing that happened was the opening of a forgotten memory, it still lingers, just like the light.

  3. really? if you review my older posts you'll see alot of fireflies. they've become redundant in my blog. but i just can't help because the image of them in my head is just so vivid. bold light against darkness... :)

    how your garden by the way? it looks really big in the pictures.

    thanks! there's something haunting in the way a typewriter sounds...gosh. do i sound weird? hehe!

  4. No, you are not weird, you are a genius. This is validated by the entries you write, the emotions you bring and the words you use to describe simple things. I am envying your talent.

    My garden is a bit big so maintaining it is part of my everyday routine. It's like my child, something I care for, and in return gives me joy. Btw, the yellow flowers at the back of the house are in full bloom. Nature is generous.

  5. i havent seen a single firefly in my gay life haha i wish i could before i turned into straight again LOL!

  6. Images of fireflies transport me back to my elementary days. Summer vacations were spent in the countryside. Life was less complicated back then and happiness was more attainable.

    It would be a tragedy to lose them.

  7. Hi Mac Callister- living in the city won't give you a glimpse of them, maybe a trip to the countryside might give you an opportunity to see some, like Thailand perhaps.

    Hi Roy- have you been there? I heard the fireflies are disappearing as well. I think the growing demand for power at the countryside are driving them away.
