Thursday, March 26

Moonshine (March 26, 2009)

"I am going away and I want you to understand the difference
between REAL and moonshine."

The above sentence was taken from a book Sam, Bangs and Moonshine that won the Caldecott Medal many years ago. It was about a girl named Samantha whose stories were product of her imaginative world. She claimed to have a mermaid as a mother, a pet cat that talks, and a baby kangaroo that was around the house. When a near tragedy was to happen, she was able to save the life of her best friend upon realizing that she put him in trouble. She was then reprimanded by her dad. Moonshine is having a mermaid mother, a baby kangaroo around the house and a cat that talks. Real is having just a dad, a cat that purrs and a non-existent kangaroo.

Moonshine for me is having a lovely house with an extravagant garden, a perfect family to boot, a high paying job and a life envied by many. Real is having a modest house, a hard-earned garden, a simple life of home-work-home and a diminishing social life. There is a distinction between what we like to have with what we have right now. There is also a path to get the life we want and obstacles perpetuated by envy and greed. There are justice and hope for everyone and there are injustices and hopelessness in existence.

Sometimes, it is easier to live in a world of make-believe and be happy but dreaming is only for a certain period of time during a day. When we wake up, the realities of life are glaring. We take them with ease, with hatred, with regrets or with acceptance. We are bothered by our looks, our status, our health, our familial affiliation, our work, and our love. It is continuous, never ending until we meet a solution, a chance, a choice, or an acceptance.

Moonshine is a life of happiness and a life filled with love. Real is what I am feeling right now.


  1. this reminded me of albus dumbledore's words:

    "it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget how to live."

    people to tend to appreciate the things they have right now. in turn, they tend forget to appreciate alot of things, especially the significant ones...

    that was sad. people vanishing without saying their goodbye is very disappointing indeed...

    people always leave...but sometimes they come back. :)

  2. but still the dreams we make and we have can push us to live a life we deserve. we only need to actively do something about it. and while we are still awake, we must appreciate and consider saying thank you to all that we have.

    thank you for always exerting effort to comment. best of all, thank you for acknowledging comments made in your blog.

    be it moonshine or real, your presence is always appreciated

  3. Im always bothered about everything.

    I dont know what contentment means...

    Im cursed.

  4. you are not cursed. we, humans, as well as aliens, have no satisfaction with what we have so we always look for more. it's part of being alive, we look and ask, and crave that's why we need to learn about moderation.

  5. Hi friend.. Interesting post.. Nice blog work.. keep it up..
    will drop by your site often.. Do find time to visit my blog and post your comments..
    Have a great day.. Cheers!!!
