Monday, March 16

Pleng (March 16, 2009)

I am writing a short entry for one of my favourite students in class. She was the youngest in the group but she was able to cope with the demands of the grade level and of her older peers. She came to my class with apprehension on my part as she will be the youngest and she seemed emotionally immature.

I was wrong. Though there were instances that she displayed lack of confidence and struggled to cope with the routine, she proved to all of us her persevering spirit that made her endearing to my heart. But there was one thing I miss now that she is in another school. It is her ability to remember and sing songs. Her favourite one is a song from The Little Mermaid. She gave a warm rendition of this song one time when we were doing a dramatization of the mermaid story. Then, this song became the fave of all the girls in my class.

She was amazing when she sang Away in a Manger with such deep feelings. And when I was singing a song from Dreamgirls I Am Telling You, she was able to sing the lines I sing unconsciously. No,no,no,no,no,no,no way I'm leaving without you...then she continues singing the rest.

I heard she will leave the country to study in the US. I will surely miss her vibrant personality and her love. I send her all the best.

No,no,no,no,no,no,no way you're leaving without me
.. I just wish.


  1. Bounced back!

    Study in US? I hope your student will be safe in there (she's lucky though).

    Why is it that some people I know (aka:ME)can only sing/memorize 2 lines from a song, and that's it?


  2. Hi,

    Same here, I can only sing a line or two and I love singing. Never mind, if we ever go singing karaoke with no lyrics shown, we'll be able to sing thirty songs in thirty minutes, lol!

  3. LOL! Just the chorus part, if not intro... then "next song pls...."

  4. I was asked to sing once and I forgot the lyrics, so embarrassing!
