Sunday, January 27

Chapters of Our Lives (January 27, 2008)

I have a friend who is getting married today.

There are many chapters of our lives that we wanted to start and to end. I have these pressing chapters on friendships and love that I wanted to end. I have some guilt and hatred that I wanted to throw away. I have some inner conflicts that I wanted to put to rest. And with the throwing and ending comes a new beginning, a new chapter to start.

Marriage is one new chapter of our lives. We end the last page of singlehood facing a new challenge to our existence. It is going to be pages and pages of new things. They might come in the form of surprises, of disappointments, or pure joy. It is the anticipation of what's going to happen next that makes the reader awake, and reading.

With my friend's new chapter, I send him all the best.

1 comment:

  1. Bakit ba Jon ang ginagamit ko na - oh kasi eto yung ginamit sa Iced Tea Gang blogsite, eto ang user id mo doon.

    Thank you for remembering my day, Jonathan and making some space for me here at your blog site.

    It is indeed a new chapter, a new beginning for most things in my life, especially in making decisions for the future and having my own family. But for some things, they will remain practically the same. Friends who I known for a long time and who stayed as friends. I want Rosalyn to meet and know these friends of mine. Kumbaga, lumaki pa nga ang circle, nadagdagan ng "member". These kinds of things will keep opening new chapters in my life with Rosalyn. Those chapters of bygone "single" past may have closed, but at the same time, new ones have opened. And it's exciting... I really missed you at my wedding.
