Wednesday, August 22

Friend (August 22, 2007)

I had the chance to meet new people during the entire summer. They were all very nice people: educated, hard working, goal-oriented and friendly. They come from different backgrounds. They are from different places. They have their own goals and dreams. They are good people to keep. I have met new friends and became so full of life, living everyday vibrantly.

Then I went back to Thailand. Right now, I can feel that I am deteriorating because I had been missing them. I had been surrounded with warmth and sincere care that now I long for them. I am again on my own.

Friends are easy to find but the difficulty lies in finding the good ones. In my entire stay in Thailand, I cannot give you an answer if you ask me right now the million dollar question, "Who is your good friend in there?". I had, for some moments in time, a friend or two.

In my garden, I usually see a friend or some friends that hover around some of the flowers. I like the idea of them visiting my flowers every now and then. I like the idea that they make the flowers bloom better. I like the idea of making them part of the beauty that surrounds me.

Friends.....just like butterflies, come and go.

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