Friday, August 31

Many Thanks (September 01, 2007)

Many years ago, I met someone who has inspired me to become a better teacher. She is a woman filled with energy. She is always up and about. She became my mentor and my motivator. She instilled faith in me, to believe in myself.

One early morning as I arrived school, I met so much frustrations explaining to my assistant how work should be done. After being frustrated, I left the building and walked outside the school compound. My friend saw me. She took her car and asked me to get in. While driving around the village, she was ready to listen and was giving pointers on how to handle the situation. She was there to support and not to ridicule. She was there to listen and not to criticize. She was there to offer help. Up to this time, I cannot forget her valuable support.

That was many years passed. The last time I got hold of her was when I was in Bologna and she asked me to visit her for a day or two. I can't make it that time so when I arrived home, I made it a point to make contacts again. I failed to reach her but deep inside my heart, she will always be my good and best friend.

This month is her birth month. I dedicate the first of September to my beautiful and great friend Carol, thank you so much.


  1. Good blog, like kirai's one!

    besos from Spain :)

  2. My dearest Jonathan,

    I couldnt help but cry happy tears as I read your....


  3. This is so beautiful (you’re a nice friend), and yes I understand what you mean because she is always there to help.

