Tuesday, August 7

My Friends (July 28, 2007)

There is a certain similarity in the quality of an old tree I saw in one of the botanical gardens I visited. Because of its old age, the caretakers have to put poles as support to the many branches that unfolds as it reaches its maturity.

I remembered my friends from way back high school days. We are still together despite our ups and downs for more than twenty years now. We fought, stayed, loved, argued, and challenged each other from time to time. We made our own paths but we are still together in moments of sickness, in despair, in times of troubles and in celebrating lives.

I am the tree, growing old, becoming weary and weak at times. My friends, though far away from where I am, are always there to encourage, to support, to listen and to love. They are the poles that support me, the poles that makes me stronger, the poles that make me stay living in a world full of surprises.


  1. As I was reading the part about us being poles, it made me imagine that you were literally (not metaphorically) describing me as a pole for obvious reasons, ha ha...Nice picture, where did you take it?


  2. So nice to read this .....thank you for sharing and its so heart warming.... I must say that all of us are like the old tree, and the rest are the poles. We all take turns in being the old tree that need the poles from time to time......and its nice to know that the support is always there when you need it. (despite the distance).

    Thank you for writing it ....and Thank you to all for your friendship...


  3. what u wrote is very true and i also agree w/ E.

    thanks for sharing . we are all bless to be in each other lives.


  4. Thank you Jonathan. That was absolutely beautiful.

