Wednesday, August 15

Small But Powerful (August 5, 2007)

Once when I was strolling in my garden while bathing in the light of the moon, I cannot help but smell a wonderful fragrance that permeates the back of my house. It was a smell so enticing that I immediately looked for its source. Wonderfully surprising, it was my Orange Jasmin, the dwarf ones that bears white flowers but gives such strong scent. It was a delightful find.

I am just but a teacher in my school but had been a great contributor to the education and progress of the school. I am just one of the many teachers whose goal in life is to create wonderful individuals and contributors to this world. What I wanted to show here is that we, as individuals, maybe nothing but a miniscule to a large part of the society. But our presence gives the society a plurality. Our small identities give our workplace a name. We might be like a speck of dust to this world but our contributions can move mountains.

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