Thursday, November 15

Loneliness (November 15, 2007)

It was many years ago when I met an accident while riding a motorbike. I was just a passenger since I don't actually drive any motorized vehicle. Anyway, it was one of the scariest moments in my life.

When I brought to the nearest clinic, I bursted in tears. Not because my foot and knee were hurting too much and not because of the blood coming out of my skin. I cried when I was asked, "You alone, no friend?" The clinic can't take care of me so I was transported to a nearby hospital and when I was discharged, I was crying inside my hotel room for being alone.

The experience became a good lesson for me. I realized that one can never be alone in this world. One needs to reach out to gain friends. One needs company from time to time. It is an emotional need. It is a must, so we may enjoy living.


  1. Thank you for this.

    Someone once told me about how I push people away. I need to remember not to. Thanks again.

  2. Since you commented on this, I revisited all my old posts and came to a realization that nothing much had changed. I kept my old circle of friends and we are still very close but for those who came in and left, Imiss most of them but I am also accepting of the fact that they were here for a short time only.

    If something untoward will happen again, it will be the same story, me and myself alone. It wasn't a choice, it was destiny.

  3. =D Kudos. To true and loyal friends!

  4. True and to someone new, hope we get to be friends though. The alta meets the pobresito me, lol!

  5. ????

    I am the impoverished one, my good man. =D

  6. But not with words and praises. Thank you for your presence in here, from my writings past and forgotten. I am wondering how you can return back as I already have hundreds of entries. I was thinking some time ago that you won't be able to read my reply but you did, kudos to your curiosity, ha,ha,ha.

  7. Oo naman. Ang lakas mo sa Meralco eh. Eheheheehe.

  8. Meaning? Tumataas kuryente mo sa kakabasa ng blog ko? Ha,ha,ha!
